It can be overwhelming to figure out what to do when your home or property has been damaged by wind, hail, or lightning. Here's a good place to start:
Document Damage: Before clean-up begins, take photos and document all damage so you are prepared to talk with your insurance company. The damage may include broken windows, flooding, broken furniture, missing pieces of roof/gutter or siding, and damage to power lines. For a list of items to check, click here.
Power Lines Down?: Contact your power utility company if the main lines in your neighborhood are down. DO NOT attempt to fix or relocate any downed lines. If the line to your home is down or the mast or meter on your home has been damaged, reach out to a licensed electrician near you.

Contact Your Insurance Company: Have those damage photos ready and contact your insurance agent to discuss what your policy covers and the best steps moving forward.
Keep Receipts: When you begin making repairs, be sure to keep all receipts or invoices to ensure you receive fair reimbursement from your insurance provider.
What to Look for to Ensure the Safety of Your Home's Electrical System After a Storm
Mast & Meter Damage: Look to see if both your mast and your meter are still securely attached to your home.
Electrical Surges: Are all of your devices and appliances in working order? If you notice flickering lights or your appliances acting up after a storm, your home's electrical system may have sustained damage related to a surge in electricity. Consider installing surge protection for an added layer of protection in your home. At Randy's Electric, we can help you navigate a power outage caused by storm damage and your family safe. If you are looking for an "electrician near me," or "Minneapolis Saint Paul electrician," be sure to give us a call at 612-470-0914.