Randy’s Recommendations
At Randy’s Electric, we provide 5-star residential electrical services. If you’re looking for help with other projects in your home, check out some companies we’ve put our seal of approval on.
Once you’ve chosen a contractor to work with, it is important to have the right questions. We’ve put together a list of questions to ask the next contractor you have in your home, easy to screenshot or print.
BIG news coming soon!
Heating / Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Comfort Matters
Comfort Matters Heating & Cooling, Inc. is a customer focused residential & commercial heating and air-conditioning company that was started with a strong focus to provide the best customer service and quality available.
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Garage Door
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Coming soon!
Pest Control
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Coming soon!
Home Inspections
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Coming soon!
House Cleaning
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